HAD TO HAVE IT | Things I Bought Because Others Said So

Remember when you were a kid and you would do something because your friend did it and your mother or father would say, "If so and so jumped off a bridge would you do that too?" - I almost feel like the beauty community is along the same vein. Someone buys something, raves about it on a blog or YouTube video, so someone else buys it and before you know it that product is out of stock for the next month. The power of good word, hey? 
Here's some things I bought recently because someone else said they were amazing, and my thoughts on them.

[1] Bite Beauty Agave Lip Mask has had plenty of hype surrounding it. Even the girls at my local Sephora were buzzing about it the last time I was in there. But after a desperate plea on twitter for a new lip balm, the lovely Joyce of Bronzer Bunny suggested this. I've made it part of my night time skin care, and can honestly still feel it on my lips come morning. That's hardcore folks.

[2] Still on the lip balm train here, I picked up the Nuxe Reve de Miel Lip Balm after a whole host of beauty girls raved about it. I heard it was a great daytime balm because it goes on satin and therefor sits well under lipstick. After seeing Alix of I Covet Thee and Estee of Essie Button both rave (those girls know their lip products!) I caved. It's not the longest lasting balm I own, but the fact that it sits so well under lip colour wins major points. 

[3] I can honestly say I never saw the appeal of MAC Coppering Eyeshadow until recently. I mean, its bright copper rust coloured and everything that terrifies me! Having opened up to warmed shadows this year though, and seeing Jaclyn Hill's Spring Copper Eyes Tutorial last month I just new it was time to get out of my comfort zone and try this out.

[4] Benefit Gimme Brow has been talked about by beauty bloggers from here to space and back recently, but my bestie Christie bought it back before Christmas and raved so I knew it was something special then. If you read my brow routine post you know I have been using the Maybelline Brow Drama, but the Benefit offering actually has volumizing fibres, which is a dream come to true for a sparse browed gal like me. I had the medium/deep shade. 

[5] Caroline Hirons, also known as my skin saviour, posted not long ago about The Body Shop Camomile Silky Cleansing Oil. Having not gotten on with other cleansing oils (Mac, Shiseido, Josie Maran to name a few) I was skeptical, but I am so pleasantly surprised - though I shouldn't be because Caroline hasn't done me wrong yet on a skin rec. This smells lovely and mild, actually melts the makeup off my skin and dissolves waterproof mascara like nothing I've seen in a cleanser promising to do so. I follow up with a micellar cleansing water to remove any possible build and and carry on with my nighttime routine.

[6] This one I straight up blame on Anna of Vivianna Does Makeup. Ok, so it was already on my radar after owning The Tease palette... but then Anna posted about The Lolita Palette by Marc Jacobs recently and it pushed me over into gotta have this asap mode. Since I have similar colouring and eye colour to her, I knew I'd love it. Apparently a girl really can't have enough neutral palettes in her life...

What have you spent your hard earned cash on lately because it was recommended by someone else?