A couple months ago I posted this post titled "You might be a beauty blogger when..." and thought it was kind of a fun look into what it's like to be so passionate about the makeup and beauty biz in general. Then the other day I caught myself contorting my favourite lip product of all time into something unrecognizable to get the last drop out, and my inner monologue said, "You might be a lip product junkie when..."
Shade #01 is a soft milky pale pink that just brings the naturally deep colour of my lips down a notch or too. Shade #05 is the perfect peachy pink that gets complimented frequently and coveted by my friends. Shade #06 is a rosey nude 'your lips but better' that I went through surprisingly quick because of how easy it is to swipe on and go with everything. All are 100% repurchaseable in my eyes.
Clarins Instant Light Lip Perfectors retail for $20 CND/ $24 USD/ £18 GBP and now come in a balmy solid stick format for $22 CND/ $23 USD/ £18 GPB.