Winged liner is a staple look of mine, and finding the best eyeliner brush for the job is a forever challenge I continuously torture myself with. I adore my Make Up For Ever 250 brush for its smooth application, but occasionally you want something even tinier, even more precise. Something that makes your feline flicks look like they could cut like a knife. I think I just found it.

After stalking my favourite makeup haunts for what seems like ages looking for the tiniest little brush for detail work, I decided maybe it might be time to hit up the art supply store I've bought brushes there before, but never one this small. After stoking about 6 different brushes on my hands for just the right softness, the right firmness and the right length of bristle, I came away with a winner; The Royal & Langnickel 10/0 Spotter Brush.
This brush is just firm enough to hold product, whilst still being soft and yet not splaying the bristles out as you apply. I've washed it several times and it is still holding its shape; Something I can't say for some high end brands I've tried (and even my first Real Techniques Fine Liner Brush, which I initially loved and then it started going wild)
I've done a size comparison above to show up this measures up to my two other heavily rotated brushes, the Make Up For Ever 250 Eyeliner Brush and Real Techniques Fine Liner Brush and you can see how little the Royal & Langnickel brush is. It really is awesome for perfecting eyeliner that looks a little jagged. Everyone knows that popular meme going around about how your eyeliner starts out and how it finishes. Having a tiny little brush like this means you can go back in with even the slightest bit of product and perfect it. You can see in the comparison how the product applies with this compared to the other two brushes on the back of my hand.
I should probably mention the best part of this entire post... the price. Wait for it.... wait for it.... This brush cost me a mental $3.99 CND at Michaels. Go, run, buy yourself one! You'll thank me!
xo Jaime