Some beauty products in the world that have gained a famous, cult like following. You've read about them in magazines, you've seen them used in countless YouTube tutorials, your girlfriends talk about them and maybe even your Mother's had one or two in her makeup bag. But are they really that good, or have they just become so big because of status? I loathe Maybelline Great Lash Mascara, yet it's been voted best mascara in magazines for what seems like decades.
So let's break down some other products I've bought because of their hyped up name and see if they are truly worth the hype...
Benefit Box Powders
I can remember really wanting one of these when they first launched, and since then they've become a mainstay for the brand. There is a decent amount of product, and the brush that comes with it is actually really decent! Two of my favourites have sadly since been discontinued: Georgia and Bella Bamba. The rest of the range however is pretty solid! Hoola is a great olive toned bronzer and the recent Rocketeur is a gorgeous golden rose.
Hypeworthy? Yes
Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum Foundation
Touted time and time again by beauty bloggers and YouTubers as a lightweight, dewy foundation, I had this on my wishlist for a long while. Then I tried it, and honestly can't get into it! Every time I try and wear it my skin looks dried out and cakey, and the coverage disappears halfway through the day on me. Don't even get me started on the poor shade selection either...
Hypeworthy? Not on my dry dehydrated skin.
Mac Powder Blush
I feel like Mac was one of the first cosmetic lines to be really diverse with their cheek colour, and because of that they gained a bit of a cult classic status. Ranging from taupe to frosted gold to burgundy, and everything in between there is something for everyone. The problem I have with them is that on me anyways, they have no staying powder. I get a few hours into my day and my blush is nowhere to be found. So for a special event, runway or creative use these are amazing, but as an all day everyday blush, the formula stops short for me.
Hypeworthy? No.
Mac Face & Body Foundation
I remember absolutely loathing this when I first tried it 15 years ago. It was sticky, watery and never felt like it set. Those were the days though before we used buffing brushes and only used flat, paddly like foundation brushes. Now that I know the trick (buff or rub in with hands until you feel the formula thicken up) I can see why makeup artists have raved about this since the dawn of Mac. It truly is a versatile product that mixes really well and layers beautifully.
Hypeworthy? Yes.
NARS Powder Blush in Orgasm
You know this one, it's been in magazines for years as the 'universal blush that looks good on everyone'. But is it? It's a pretty golden pink blush. Does it universally flatter everyone? No, its got too much shimmer/fine glitter in it for that. I don't think it lasts particularly long either, and on me it wears off patchy, leaving behind the shimmer minus the colour pigment.
Hypeworthy? No.
Chanel Soleil Tan de Chanel
My original post talking about this product probably still has the most views on this blog. It has major cult status in the beauty world, to the point that Chanel struggled to keep it stocked at counters for the longest time. Here's the thing on this one, it only comes in one shade which runs quite warm. While it is a cream and blends out beautifully, it will still be too orange on pale skin or ashy on darker complexions. Since I run in the light-medium middle road most of the time, I can wear this, but many can't. If Chanel made this in a lighter more neutral, and a deeper more contouring shade, it was sell fast light lightening, but until then, it is limiting.
Hypeworthy? No.
Mac Fix+
One of the first brands to put out a spray bottle and call it a miracle worker. This apparently can be used before makeup, after makeup to set, as a refreshing mist, to moisten powder products for longevity etc depending on who you ask about it. It's had some pretty big claims over the years, but at the end of the day there are no ingredients in there that prolong makeup in anyway, and if anything I found spraying it overtop actually broke up my makeup a bit. What I use this for is wetting my brush if I want to use a wet/dry eyeshadow, and that's about it. Some love it, some hate it, some don't 'get' it.
Hypeworthy? No.
Laura Mercier Foundation Primer
Laura Mercier has become known for her primers. Not only is there the original (which doesn't have that silicone heavy feel like most primers) but there are hydrating, oil free, SPF, radiance, and bronzing formulas now. These feel so nice on the skin, minus that slick slippery feel of many primers, and they actually do prolong the wear of your foundation in my experience!
Hypeworthy? Yes.
Mac Brush Cleanser
Another product I can't remember seeing anywhere before Mac started selling it to the masses is brush cleaner. Before that it was baby shampoo in my arsenal. These days many brands do them, but I still think Mac's is gentle while being super effective. It smells nice, and dries quickly, not to mention I've got some brushes that are getting close to 20 years old that still look and feel nice after using this! I like to decant mine in a little spray bottle for easy use.
Hypeworthy? Yes.
What products do you think are or aren't worth the hype surrounding them?
Are there any that surprised you along the way?