You Might Be a Beauty Blogger When... beauty blogger

Ok, so tell tale fairy lights and scented candles aside, I sometimes catch myself in a "yep, for sure a beauty blogger" moment. Today's post was sparked by a one of these moments I found myself caught in when I had an inner squeal after stumbling across some skincare normally only found in the United Kingdom (you know those Brit beauty gals are lucky things!) beauty blogger una brennan skincare united kingdom boots

The Una Brennan Super Facialist range had been talked about quite a bit by some of my fave British beauty bloggers this year. Most notably the queen of skincare herself Caroline Hirons amongst others. So imagine my inner fangirl delight when I stumbled upon a few bits of the range in my local Winners of all places?! Naturally I got out my phone and looked up the best bits to pick from and decided on two products that have two words in their names I absolutely adore: Rose and Hydrate. The Rose Hydrate Miracle Facial Oil is a pre-cleanse treatment oil, which sounds divine, and the Rose Hydrate Calming Creamy Cleanser sounds perfect as a second cleanse.
Done and dusted, they went in my basket and came home with me. 

The power of blogging - inner squeal moments must surely be a side affect of Beauty Blogger Brain, a syndrome in which you have the strongest desires to buy everything beauty related, all the time. A should mention a slight disclaimer in that I don't actually own fairy lights. Can I still be a beauty blogger?

Have you ever had one of those moments in a shop somewhere? What was the last product you got really excited about?