If like many, you struggle to get out of bed on a Monday morning, or you've just partied a little too hard on the weekend, there are five simple tips I swear by for faking the look of being bright eyed and bushy tailed. We all get a case of the Monday's every now and then, so how fitting for me to post some of my favourite products for "faking it to you make it"?
Curl Those Lashes!
If I could only tell you one thing that could make you look more awake and youthful it would be to curl your eyelashes! It's like giving yourself a mini facelift; Even the tiredest eyes looks more awake and vibrant with curled lashes. When it comes to getting this uber important job done, I trust none other that my Shu Uemura Lash Curler -it's simply the best at getting all the corners without pinching or crimping.
Load Up On The Radiance
When it comes to looking less tired, a glowing complexion is always better. If you're like me and have dehydrated or dry skin, then you might need to reach for reinforcements, and the Becca Backlight Priming Filter* not only guarantees you're makeup is going to last through the day, but adds incredible glow without shimmer or sparkle. This is texturally challenged, dry, and mature skin friendly!
Tell the Puffiness to Take a Hike
Had a few too many glasses of wine last weekend? Maybe you just didn't get enough sleep because you were dreaded the Monday madness? Puffy eyes are one of the biggest tell tale signs that you might not be at your best and brightest. I've raved about it many times here so I won't wax on too much, but Benefit Puff Off gets the the job done. Fast.
Get a Little Colour Going
While slapping on a bright lipstick might seem a bit much for you first thing on a Monday, adding a little pop of colour by way of blush will brighten your whole complexion. Here's the time for you to reach for a peach, coral or pink and steer clear of the tawny nudes - the brighter tones can look much more youthful and 'fresh'. If you're worried about overdoing it, stick with something that can't be over applied like Clinique Cheek Pop in Melon Pop, which is a soft peach that is buildable to your desired intensity.
You've Curled, You've De-Puffed...Let's Get Rid of the Red
Something that is super common with tired, hungover or allergy riddled eyes is redness. Regardless what your ailment is, running a little nude eyeliner in your waterline makes eyes instantly look wider and larger. My all time favourite is the MAC Chromagraphic Pencil in NC15/NW20 - which isn't too peachy, nor as stark as white.
There you have 5 tried and true tips and products I use when I should have got more shut eye in the first place. Let me know what your favourite products for looking your well rested best (especially on a Monday morning!)