WANTED | Hard to Get Beauty Bits

Every once in a while I fall in love with reviews or raves over products, right them down on my wishlist and drool over them online, only to realize they aren't available to me here in Canada. It's a real bummer! Sometimes they make their way here eventually, and other times they never do. Here's a little list of some of the talked about bits I'm really wanting to get my hands on these days...

Click on the names of the images above to be linked to where you can find them online!

Too Faced is a brand I haven't been overly enamoured with until lately, when their newly revamped Natural Eyes Palette won me over. They have some new shades of their popular Melted Lipstick line that I'd love to get my paws on as well as a new primer that is supposed to baby your skin like its in need of hangover TLC. Seriously, sign me up. I've heard these are making their way to Canada - cross your fingers!

Lorac has brought out a new Pro Palette, and while the shades in the first one didn't do it for me, these ones are right up my street. Unfortunately for me Lorac doesn't seem to be stocked anywhere in Canada, nor do places online seem to want to ship it to me. Le Sigh.

St. Tropez has released a new tanning mousse that has all the UK bloggers I follow raving. It's an express version of their famous mousse formula that develops in 1-3 hours and you control the intensity. So far it only seems to be in the UK, so who know if and when we might get it here.

Finally and probably the most pricey for what it is, is the By Terry Ombre Blackstars - a crayon like cream shadow that apparently are ah-mazing. Now I know I can get these at Space.Nk I believe, but at the over $40 price point, I really want to be able to try it out, ya know?

What beauty items have you always wanted to try, but don't have access to?

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