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image thanks to illamasqua.com |
Around this time last year I stumbled into The Bay Vancouver and noticed a new cosmetic counter... Illamasqua. Previously no where else in Canada, I actually had a little internal (ok and maybe slight out loud) squeal of delight and promptly bought the two products I'd heard the most about - Skin Base Foundation and Hydra Veil. If you've been reading GLG for a while, you will know that they both get fair mention on here because they are two of my favourite products of life. Yep, the love runs that deep. The other day whilst shopping with a friend we decided to head over to check out the new collection I'd been hearing about (pictures above) only to see the product displays almost naked.
Then the girl at the counter turned to us and said "Illamasqua is being pulled out of North America".
WHAT!? Not after I'd fallen in love with Hydra Veil - a product that I've not seen anything ever like! Now I love the skin base, I really really love it. I am sure I can find another foundation I love as much, but Hydra Veil was skin changing for me! I know I can order from the UK off of Illamasqua.com but it is more expensive, plus then the shipping just gets me kinda down, ya know? I've got half a pot now that I'll be rationing until the time comes, but what a bummer.
Don't you hate it when something like this happens? You fall in love only to have it discontinued, or no longer sold anywhere near you. Write me in the comments about products you've loved then lost, wont ya?